A report has been sent to the public prosecutor, the rectorate said, adding that a police investigation is underway. National education staff and a psychologist are on hand to answer families’ questions.
“The chancellor of the Academy of Versailles as well as Dasen (academic director of the national education services, editor’s note) Yvelines will continue to be very vigilant about the monitoring and support that will be put in place,” the rectorate said.
The teacher, who has not yet been placed in police custody, was himself attacked by the student’s parent, the prosecution said. According to a parent of a student at the facility, the suspected teacher is a thirty-year-old man who teaches in class CE1.
The alleged facts were reported by the CE2 student, whom he allegedly touched especially on the chest. Four other CE1 students also reported being groped, the student’s parent said. “He put them on his knees and did the guilis,” describes student after student, who elaborates that several kids reported “fake slaps on the buttocks, faces” and even “hands in pants.”
Parents want to file a complaint
The teacher would have been warned as early as January for being too close to his students, says the same source, who is struck by the inaction of the facility management.
A delegation of parents visited the facility on Friday afternoon after school and met Plaisir Mayor Joséphine Kollmannsberger and officials from Versailles Academy. Police officers were present.