Academic calendar

This publicly accessible academic calendar presents important dates for students. Important dates for teachers are published in the academic calendar with limited access. Important dates for Section Directors and Administrators are posted on the CDS SharePoint site (restricted access).

This calendar provides a general overview of the course of semesters and bachelor’s and master’s exams. Dates for admission, start of studies, academic mobilities, Master’s projects, prizes, accommodation, scholarships, etc. can be found on the websites dedicated to these topics. CMS, sections and faculties communicate their specific dates. Various events held at the school are published in EPFL Memento.

This calendar is also available in the EPFL Campus app. It is possible to add an event to your favorites (by clicking on the star at the top right) to highlight it and to activate notifications for popular events that have a specific date. You can also download the annual calendar of semesters and exams in PDF format (no upgrade).

Spring Semester and Summer Exam Session 2023-24

Fall semester and winter exam 2024-25

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