Adoption of a puppy. Is it useful to take a character test?

Reaction to a sudden noise? Behavior when encountering an unusual object? Various tests help the adopter choose the puppy that best fits their lifestyle. An interview with Corentine Mahoudo, co-founder of Cynotopia, an introductory website for positive dog training (1).

What is a character test?

It is a series of small standardized exercises designed to identify the puppy’s temperament based on its behavioral responses to various situations and stimuli. For example, we will observe how the animal reacts to a sudden noise – some puppies remain calm, others are frightened – or even when confronted with an unknown person, an unusual object: the puppy will interact or
remain indifferent?

Who are these tests for?

They are commonly used by professionals looking for a working dog (guide dog or police dog) for whom it is important to ensure that the animal has certain natural abilities (good level of resistance to stress, ability to cooperate, quick to learn). They will also be helpful when choosing a family dog, as they can help the adopter select a puppy that best fits their lifestyle. Assuming of course that you have chosen the right test.

The “correct” test?

Not all tests are the same. Perform the Campbell test, which remains the most famous and is based on various physical limitations. In particular, we immobilize the puppy on its back to see if it resists. These manipulations are intended to indicate whether the animal is dominant or submissive. A criterion that does not make sense, there is no system of hierarchy between different species. Besides, how can we imagine that a puppy barely a few weeks old and still in the stage of learning to walk would be worried about controlling someone?

Which test do you think is the most reliable?

Appetite test (Avidoga puppy evaluation test) it has the advantage of being based on scientific foundations in accordance with the latest advances in ethology. It is also the most complete, covering almost the entire spectrum of the animal’s innate predispositions and its possible points of sensitivity (which can direct the owner to educational measures). That being said, the character test is only an indicator. Especially since this type of evaluation is generally done when the puppy is seven weeks old. It goes without saying that before it reaches adulthood, the environment in which the animal will develop, the experiences it will have, the education it will receive will contribute greatly to the formation of its personality.

(1) ; Better choose your dogCorentine Mahoudo and Ségolène Lagrée, Cynotopia, €25.90.

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