Cyber ​​attack in Saint-Nazaire: “change your passwords”, town hall urges residents to be vigilant – France Bleu

It’s still this Friday night cannot accurately measure the range attack or determine exactly whether personal data stolen by pirates. In case of doubt, the Town Hall of Saint-Nazairevictims of a cyber attack on its servers on the night of Tuesday, April 9asks its population to change your passwords and do not click on the links with the city logo.


Change passwords online

“It’s the precautionary principle” recalls Mayor David Samzun. Especially for those who tend to use same password for all services private digital. “Changing your password is easy and basic protection, but you have to do it” says the chosen one again.

“In case hackers had access to these passwords in our databases and you use a single password for all your services (private email boxes, online sales platforms, etc.)” the press release of the City Hall clarifies.

“Don’t click on anything that comes from City Hall!”

The city is also asking its residents to be especially wary of blackmail attempts which can be done on behalf of the city or its organization by e-mail or telephone (requests for passwords, signature of fake SEPA mandates, credit card number, etc.). “If we need to contact the administrator, we will do so in person by phone with a subsequent meeting at the counter” said the mayor again.

The city of Saint-Nazaire and the agglomeration emphasize in their press release that none of her agents nor will partners of affected partners (Sonadev, ADDRN, Federation of Neighborhood Houses) contact residents by email or phone asking for password, signature or credit card number.

“An Act of Destabilization”

Agents sentenced to wait System D. Services remain open, as does reception to the public. Meal vouchers in CCAS are made by hand, a link has been established with the registry office, and there is enough to feed the children in the school canteens until the holidays. “We’ve got the erasers and pencils out, we’re doing what we can, but the deadlines are sometimes extended and in some departments it’s not enough. It’s a really complicated situation.” confides the mayor who condemns “a great act of destabilization”. On everyone’s mind is the attack against Angers town hall in 2021. The return to normal life took 18 months.

THE cyber defense experts operator Orange, but also the National Office for the Security of Information Systems are still working diligently. The city carried complaint against X. The Paris prosecutor’s office is seized, the cyber gendarmes from Rennes have resumed the investigation.

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