Education. In Alsace, the rectorate commissioned two Steiner schools

On October 12, 2023, in the three Alsatian Steiner schools, everything is in vogue: about thirty academic inspection agents took over the facilities in Wintzenheim, Wittelsheim and Strasbourg. Checks are quite common. The number of inspectors involved can be surprising. In addition to the simultaneity of the operation, it awakened a sense of persecution of the Steiner teams, a pedagogy always suspected, rightly or wrongly, of sectarian drift.

It seems established that this inspection was triggered after one of the two incidents that occurred at the Wintzenheim site: a fire in a classroom that led to a complaint by two families (our issue of June 9, 2023).

Problem with permission to teach

The news came last March for the two Haut-Rhinois sites, along with formal announcements. We had access to those relating to the Wintzenheim School. The main complaint concerns the authority that school teachers…

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