Garden: how to reduce the spiciness of radishes?

Radish is a crunchy vegetable that is not necessarily spicy.
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Depending on the variety, this root vegetable can sometimes irritate the mouth. Several criteria may or may not emphasize this flavor. Our advice for correcting the spiciness of radishes.

From the brassica family, the radish is a root vegetable that is pink, yellow or black on the outside and white on the inside. It turned out to be both crunchy and spicy, but that spiciness can be toned down.

Why do radishes sting me?

Radish skin contains sulfur compounds. May cause grimacing after chewing. Some radishes are particularly spicy. Reasons ? They evolved in a land that was too dry and the atmosphere too hot; another possibility, the harvest time was not observed.

How to prevent radishes from stinging?

In order for the radish flesh to be of good quality and not to sting, regular and adequate watering is essential. You can also support water distribution by occasionally hoeing.

The soil, both plain and light, must be kept constantly well-drained and slightly moist in a place where there is not likely to be too much heat from the sun’s rays, with the risk of drying up the future harvest.

The signal that the harvest is correct is the appearance of a collar between the root and the stem that emerges from the ground. If it appears, the gardener has a green one to pick.

Time also plays a role. On average, three to six weeks pass between sowing and harvesting, depending on the region and climate.

What are the varieties of spicy radishes?

Currently, more than 370 different varieties of radishes have been identified in Europe, including fifty in France, depending on their shape, root color, cultivation and length of harvest.

Among the spiciest in France, we can find in particular:

  • Black radish
  • Long big winter
  • Ice candle
  • Radish-rave
  • Eiszapfen radish
  • Chinese pink radish
  • Kiva radish
  • Radishes to force round scarlet
  • Oval golden yellow summer radish

If you don’t like the spicy taste, avoid planting these varieties.

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