Metaphor of storks, an award-winning show, at the Pépinière Théâtre

Metaphor of storks, an award-winning show, at the Pépinière Théâtre

The Metaphor of the Storks, written by Marc Arnaud and starring Antoine Gouy, can be seen at the Pépinière Théâtre every Saturday at 5pm until April 30, 2024. The show won the 2022 Molière for best single show on stage.

Metaphor of storksshow alone on stageis to be discovered on Kindergarten theater in 2nd district from Paris, every Saturday at 5 p.m. until April 30, 2024. Direction Benjamin Guillardwhich had already won the Molière for Best Solo Show with You will not have my hate in 2018, Metaphor of storks is written Marc Arnaud and performs Antoine Gouy.

THE show alone on stage he presents us with the story of a man close between 4 walls and in front of him he has only an empty cup. THE actorhe delivers to us for an hour of his moods and his worry relating to the protocol necessary to be able to carry out a in vitro fertilization with his wife. In the situation dirty, we find ourselves locked in an imaginary world created by the protagonist. The only one on stage is interspersed with the performance of characters whose goal is to help the actor fulfill his mission.

Metaphor of storks he was a huge success, he won Molière for best solo show on stage in 2022. Marc Arnaud is recognized for finesse and the poetry of his writing, which manages to trivialize a subject without giving the public a good or bad answer. Presentation in submission Marc Arnaud in 2022, returns with an actor Antoine Gouy, who takes over on stage.

Metaphor of storks is exhibited in Kindergarten theater every Saturday at 5 p.m. until April 30, 2024.

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