Why is chocolate dangerous for pets?

Alkaloids contained in chocolate can damage the heart and digestion of animals.
VLAD ANTONOV / VLADISLAV – stock.adobe.com

How much chocolate is toxic to my dog ​​or cat? What to do if an animal has eaten it? Our answers in EASTER BELLS time.

While some foods may seem delicious to everyone, they may not necessarily make your pets happy. This is the case with chocolate, which is not toxic to humans but is to animals.

Why is chocolate dangerous for pets?

Chocolate itself is not dangerous, but the reaction of some of its chemical compounds with the metabolism of animals can cause real harm. The cause is the alkaloids contained in chocolate, certain properties of which can damage the heart and digestion of animals. The higher the cocoa content in chocolate, the more dangerous its toxicity.

The name of this toxic alkaloid in animals is methylxanthine. It is especially present in cocoa beans, so cocoa content matters immensely when it comes to chocolate toxicity.

How much chocolate is toxic to my dog ​​or cat?

In order to define the toxic amount for an animal, it is important to define the cocoa content of chocolate. We are talking about poisoning a dog after consuming 50 grams of 100% chocolate. So if the chocolate has a cocoa content of 50%, toxicity will be demonstrated at 100 grams.

It can also affect the weight of the animal. For example, a 40 kg dog would need to eat 200 grams of 50% dark chocolate to be toxic.

What are the symptoms of chocolate poisoning?

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning appear only a few hours after eating chocolate. The first symptoms are digestive. The animal will tend to vomit and have diarrhea.

If you notice this in your pet, you need to visit your vet immediately. If the amount ingested is large, it is possible that indigestion may be accompanied by neurological disorders such as convulsions. He may also fall into a coma.

Another symptom after consuming too much chocolate is heart problems. The animal is at risk of developing an accelerated heartbeat. At the same time, it is possible that the animal’s temperature and breathing rate will increase.

What to do in case of chocolate poisoning?

The first instinct you have when an animal ingests chocolate is to make it vomit. The operation should preferably take place within 20 minutes of ingestion. If possible, it is advisable to go to the vet to perform this operation. Inducing vomiting in an animal actually has consequences on its metabolism and may require expert intervention.

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